
The Science department teaches the three main sciences - Biology, Chemistry and Physics.


Mrs E Murray - FH and Biology Teacher

Miss S Sharp - Biology Teacher

Mrs S Denham - Chemistry Teacher

Miss C Cryans - Chemistry Teacher

Miss C Carten - Physics Teacher

Mr S McAvoy - Physics Teacher






Practical Electronics

Laboratory Skills

Human Biology


S1 Course Outline/Overview

The S1 courses cover some Second and Third Level Broad General Education outcomes. The outcomes are divided up into discrete science subjects. In S1, pupils cover 2 Biology, 2 Chemistry and 2 Physics units and there are opportunities to develop technical and meta skills throughout. 


S2 Course Outline/Overview


In S2 pupils will continue with and then finish the Grand Designs topic. Pupils will then move onto The Circle Of Life followed by the last unit Fly Me To The Moon.

From August 2025 the S2 course will be delivered as discrete science subjects as in S1. This will allow young people to have a better understanding of what each science discipline involves.

S3 Course Outline/Overview


In S3 pupils can cover the Fourth Level Broad General Education.

The outcomes that pupils cover have been grouped into the following subjects and units.

Physics – pupils cover the three units Electricity and Energy, Dynamics and Space followed by Waves and Radiation.

Chemistry – pupils cover 3 units Chemical Changes and Structure, Nature’s Chemistry and finally Chemistry in Society.

Biology – pupils cover Cell Biology, Multicellular Organisms followed by Life on Earth

Science – pupils will look Third Level Broad General Education topics of Biological Systems, Forces, Electricity, Waves, Materials, Planet Earth and Topical Science.


A link to the outcomes that are covered can be found below. Please note pupils will cover some and not all of the fourth level outcomes. Coverage ultimately depends on which subject students choose.

N3/4/5/Higher/Advanced Higher Course Outline/Overview

Biology N4 and N5 - Biology affects everyone and aims to find solutions too many of the world’s problems.

Biology, the study of living organisms, plays a crucial role in our everyday existence, and is an increasingly important subject in the modern world. Advances in technologies have made this varied subject more exciting and relevant than ever.

Biology Courses encourage development of skills and resourcefulness, which lead to becoming a confident individual. Successful learners in biology think creatively, analyse and solve problems. Biology aims to produce responsible citizens, through studying of relevant areas of biology, such as health, environment and sustainability.


The unit titles are:

Cell Biology

Multicellular Organisms

Life on Earth


Course Assessment

 National 4 is internally assessed.  There are 3 unit assessments where the pupil must achieve 50% in order to pass and an Added Value Unit (AVU).  The AVU is a research task where the pupil has to meet the success criteria given to them. 

National 5 is assessed over 2 components.  The exam last 2.5 hours and is marked out 100. The assignment is completed in class time and a report is written under exam conditions.  The report is worth 20 marks (scaled to 25 marks) and is marked externally by SQA.




Chemistry N4 and N5 - The study of chemistry contributes essential knowledge and understanding across all aspects of our lives. Chemistry explains the links between the particulate nature of matter and its applications in the real world. The course gives opportunities for learners to develop the ability to think analytically, creatively and independently, and to make evaluations. The Course covers a variety of contexts relevant to chemistry’s impact on the environment and society.


The units in National 4 and National 5 Chemistry are:

·       Chemical Changes and Structure

·       Nature’s Chemistry

·       Chemistry in Society


Course Assessment

National 4 is internally assessed.  There are 3 unit assessments where the pupil must achieve 50% in order to pass and an Added Value Unit (AVU).  The AVU is a research task where the pupil has to meet the success criteria given to them. 

National 5 is assessed over 2 components, an end of course exam and an assignment. The exam last 2.5 hours with a multiple choice section worth 25 marks and an extended answer section worth 25 marks.  The assignment is completed in class time and a report is written under exam conditions.  The assignment is worth 20 marks and is marked externally by SQA.


Physics N4 and N5 - The purpose of the course is to develop the candidate’s interest and enthusiasm for physics in a range of contexts.  The skills of scientific enquiry are integrated and developed, throughout the course, by investigating the application of physics.  The course enables candidates to develop a deeper understanding of physics concepts and the ability to describe and interpret physical phenomena using mathematical skills.

The units in National 4 and National 5 Physics are:

·       Dynamics & Space

·       Energy & Electricity

·       Waves & Radiation


Course Assessment

National 4 is internally assessed.  There are 3 unit assessments where the pupil must achieve 50% in order to pass and an Added Value Unit (AVU).  The AVU is a research task where the pupil has to meet the success criteria given to them. 

National 5 is assessed over 2 components.  The exam last 2.5 hours and is marked out 135 and scaled to 100 marks.  The assignment is completed in class time and a report is written under exam conditions.  The report is worth 20 marks and is marked externally by SQA.


Practical Electronics N4 and N5 - The Practical Electronics course provides a broad practical introduction to electronics.  The course encourages candidates to become responsible and creative in their use of technologies and to develop attributes such as flexibility, enthusiasm, perseverance, reliability and confidence.

The three areas of study are:

·       Circuit Design

·       Circuit Simulation

·       Circuit Construction


Course Assessment

National 4 is internally assessed.  Pupils have to pass the 3 units detailed above and an added value unit (AVU).

National 5 is assessed over 2 components.  Component 1 is question paper lasting 1 hour and worth 30 marks.  Component 2 is a practical activity.  The practical activity assesses candidates’ ability to apply electronic knowledge and skills to solve an appropriately challenging practical problem, and is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate their ability to work independently.  The practical activity is set be SQA.


Human Biology Higher - Learners will develop knowledge and understanding, scientific inquiry, investigative skills, as well as

Scientific analytical thinking skills, including scientific evaluation through the context of human biology eg. research and therapeutic value of stem cells, cancer cells, DNA technology, including sequencing and medical and forensic applications, reproduction and the cardiovascular system, the biology of controlling fertility, contraception, ante-natal care and post-natal screening.


The unit titles are:

Human Cells

Physiology and Health

Neurobiology and Immunology

In addition learners complete an assignment which is worth 20 marks. This is 20% of the overall marks for the course. This is sent to the SQA for marking.


Course Assessment

The assignment has two stages:

·       research

·       report


Chemistry Higher - The Higher Chemistry course provides an extension to National 5 Chemistry. The course highlights ways in which the quality of everyday life is influenced by chemical processes and products. The course also caters for those students contemplating a career in the chemical industry and related fields such as medicine, biochemistry, immunology and molecular biology. To this end the course provides candidates with a sufficient grounding in the knowledge and theory of the subject.

The units in Higher Chemistry are:

·       Chemical Changes and Structure

·       Nature’s Chemistry

·       Chemistry in Society

·       Researching Chemistry

Course Assessment:

The course is assessed over three components.  Component 1 is a question paper made of 25 multiple choice questions worth 1 mark each and lasts 40 minutes.  Component 2 is a second question paper worth 95 marks and lasts 2 hours 20 minutes.  Component 1 & 2 externally assessed by SQA and completed on the same day.  The final component is an assignment.  The assignment is completed in class time and a report is written under exam conditions and assessed by SQA.  The assignment is worth 20 marks.


Higher Physics - The course develops candidates’ interest and enthusiasm for physics in a range of contexts.  The skills of scientific inquiry are developed throughout the course.  Candidates develop their ability to describe and interpret physical phenomena using mathematical skills, and practise scientific methods of investigation from which general relationships are derived and explored.

The three units are:

·       Our Dynamic Universe

·       Particles and Waves

·       Electricity.


Course Assessment

The course is assessed over three components.  Component 1 is question paper made of multiple choice questions and worth 25 marks and lasts 45 minutes.  Component 2 is a second question paper worth 95 marks and last 2 hours 15 minutes.  Component 1 & 2 externally assessed by SQA and completed on the same day.  The final component is an assignment.  The assignment is completed in class time and a report is written under exam conditions and assessed by SQA.  The assignment is worth 20 marks.


Laboratory Skills N5 - Course Summary

Laboratory Science is an introductory qualification, the course provides a broad experiential introduction to laboratory science. Learners will explore a variety of industries and services, and career opportunities. Pupils will develop the basic practical skills and knowledge needed for working in a laboratory in conjunction with context specific skills for microbiology, measuring radioactivity, chemical handling and laboratory instrumentation.

The units in Laboratory Skills are:

-Careers using Laboratory Science

-Working in a laboratory

-Practical Skills

-Practical Investigation


Course Assessment:

Laboratory Skills is assessed internally. Learners are assessed on a pass/fail basis on completion of each unit.


Supported Study Details

Supported study is offered at the following times

Chemistry – All levels Wednesdays 3pm – 3.45pm

Biology and Physics are put on as and when requested by pupils.

Please see staff in the department for any changes or updates.


Links to resources/Google Classroom/You Tube Channel


Google classroom link National 5 Bitesize


National 4 Bitesize


National 5 Bitesize


Higher Bitesize


Biology N4/5 links




Chemistry N4/5 links


Physics N4/5 links


Practical electronics N4/5 links




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P7/S1 Welcome Videos

The different departments have created short welcome videos to introduce the staff and the subjects taught in them. Have a look and see who your teacher could be.