School Based Social Worker

Our school based social worker liaises with key school staff on a daily basis to offer support and advice in the following areas:

Welfare and wellbeing concerns

Focus on early intervention and prevention

Reduce the number of referrals to Service Access and subsequently reduce waiting times for allocation to 


Children and Families Team

Reduce the number of referrals to the Scottish Children’s Reporters Administration and requirement for statutory measures

Deliver a strengths/assets-based approach to focus on improved resilience and resourcefulness and ultimately, empowering children, young people and families

Facilitate informal discussion which can help to identify difficulties earlier on and lead to quicker responses

Attend fortnightly meetings with the Head of Pastoral Care and receive weekly updates from Heads of House

Maintain a school presence to improves visibility and promote a more natural and informal conversation which can help to improve relationships

Link in with the Young Person Support Team to facilitate 1:1 and group work

Respond to child protection concerns and advise school staff on procedural matters relating to the North Ayrshire Service Access Team.




For all the latest information and advice on how Irvine Royal Academy is adapting to deal with Covid-19, including school social distancing measures, home learning during lockdown, symptoms, testing and self-isolating, please click the link below.

Latest Covid-19 Information & Advice


P7/S1 Welcome Videos

The different departments have created short welcome videos to introduce the staff and the subjects taught in them. Have a look and see who your teacher could be.