At Irvine Royal Academy we are committed to delivering high quality Learning and Teaching across all subject areas. Our staff participate in continuous professional development ensuring the quality of teaching remains high. 


Teaching Approaches

Staff at Irvine Royal Academy implement a variety of teaching strategies in the classroom. These include carefully-designed individual learning activities, group work and whole-class instruction. The teaching approaches used are guided by international educational research about what works best.

Depending on the stage of pupil learning will determine the approach used. When pupils are in early stages of learning something new, the teacher will have to adopt a more teacher directed apporach. Pupils who are further through the learning process might be given less direction in their learning to encourage pupil led learning.

Accordingly, we encourage teachers to use a blend of 'specific teaching' (teacher-led) and 'non-specific teaching' (student-led) teaching approaches.

Meta Skills Progression Framework


S1 - 3


The S1-3 curriculum is often referred to as the Broad General Education. The content of courses has been created based on the National Experiences and Outcomes.

The BGE spans primary school and the early stages of secondary school. Students work through different levels in each subject, with the national expectation for most student as follows:

  • Early Level - achieved by the end of P1
  • First Level - achieved by the end of P4
  • Second Level - achieved by the end of P7
  • Third Level - achieved by the end of S3




Once pupils move into S4, students begin their Senior Phase. The courses they study are national courses, common to different schools across the country. The different types of course on offer in Irvine Royal Academy include:
  • Nationals (National 1, National 2, National 3, National 4 and National 5)
  • Highers
  • Advanced Highers
  • National Progression Awards (NPAs)
  • Skills for Work (SfW)

Curriculum for Excellence was developed to give pupils opportunities to develop skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work. The curriculum offers many opportunities to maximise their individual potential, benefitting from appropriate personal support and challenge which will help support the move into a positive and sustained destinations beyond school.

The below resource has been prepared recently with and for teachers and other professional practitioners It re-visits the initial Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) narrative and sets it within the current context. It supports the process of engaging with the core principles of CfE and the development of practices that are fit for purpose.

Curriculum for Excellence Refreshed Narrative


Outdoor Learning

Please find attached relevent information linked to Outdoor Learning:

Garden Code of Conduct

Garden Tasks

Garden Feedback

Learning, Teaching and Assessment

In Irvine Royal Academy we will relentlessly focus on ensuring all pupils have high quality learning experiences.  This policy has been created to reflect our vision and values and to create a common understanding of what high quality learning and teaching looks like for our young people.  It will enhance classroom practice and provide an excellent learning experience for all of our learners.

Our key priorities underpin all actions that are designed to improve attainment in all of our learners.

Please see our Learning and Teaching Policy using the link below -

Irvine Royal Academy Learning & Teaching Policy

Verification & Moderation 2023-24


Homework Policy

Homework is an integral part of education in that it promotes students’ self-discipline and personal responsibility for learning and organisation and reinforces work started in class, extending knowledge and understanding. Homework allows pupils the opportunity to practise and develop skills and is valuable in ensuring continued progress and achievement. Homework allows parents to become involved in their child’s learning and understand their strengths and development needs.

Homework Policy 2022/23




For all the latest information and advice on how Irvine Royal Academy is adapting to deal with Covid-19, including school social distancing measures, home learning during lockdown, symptoms, testing and self-isolating, please click the link below.

Latest Covid-19 Information & Advice


P7/S1 Welcome Videos

The different departments have created short welcome videos to introduce the staff and the subjects taught in them. Have a look and see who your teacher could be.